Monday, January 18, 2010

As if I needed another excuse

As if I needed another excuse to eat like a horse (literally)....was reading on MSN health section today about simple ways to ease arthritic pain:

Eating high-fiber foods is important for preventing and minimizing osteoarthritis for two reasons, notes Dr. Barnard. One, fiber fills you up on fewer calories, so you're less likely to overeat and gain weight. Two, (and this is the important part) fiber is the great garbage collector for your internal organs. It picks up inflammatory toxins and hormones that aggravate arthritis and carries them out, reducing your chances of experiencing osteoarthritis pain. (This is in addition to mopping up the cholesterol from your GI system before it is absorbed.)

So, spoon up the oatmeal guys, have an orange, cook some dried beans. It's all good!!

1 comment:

CC said...

Thanks for that post, I will increase my fiber. Do you know if a supplement works the same way?