Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is it any wonder we are overweight as a nation?

It seems that everyday one can read, view or listen to a news report about the nutritional health of our country. Morbid obesity, a growing epidemic, according to all reports. Looking around at the malls and big box stores, I would be inclined to accept this as an axiom. Perusing the grocery ads today, it seems that the industry makes it very easy for people to eat absolute junk.

One of our local chains has a weekly "meal deal" and believe me, there is nothing remotely healthy about any thing in this "deal". If you buy two pizzas for a certain "cheap" price, they will throw in some garlic bread, a chocolate layer cake, box of pizza roll appetizers, a (almost) half gallon of ice cream and a two liter soda. Pass the Alka-Seltzer and call for Ralph!!

If you have kids and a limited budget, this is an almost irresistible offer. But at what price, ultimately? There is no denying that eating healthy takes more money and time, combined with what I consider to be a dying art, cooking. But it seems people are disinterested in making the effort to provide nutritional foods for themselves and their children. It is a very sad state of affairs.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Put him on the shelf in 2012!!

Another article on the Obamas' leisure time! This 10-day vacation was "blissfully free of the news emergencies that have interrupted some of his past getaways." On the Katrina 5th anniversay, with T.S. Earle poised to head toward the Eastern coast of the United States, did ya give any thoughts on how to better handle another hurricane disaster Mr. Obama? With all the criticism the Bush administration fielded after Katrina, I would think your time would be better spent working on an efficient disaster plan. Or would that take too much time away from the golf course, Mr. President?

The news article discussed interruptions in the first family's other vacations stating that "Then there was Hawaii over Christmas and New Year's. Obama had barely arrived when Christmas Day brought the attempted terror attack on a Detroit-bound ariliner, forcing the president to spend the subsequent days conferring with his national security team between golf outings."

Boo Hoo!! It is your JOB to deal with it, Mr. President!! That is why you were (or should have been) elected!! The citizens of this country care about the safety of their loved ones not what your golf handicap is.

It seems to me our current commander-in-chief wants to enjoy the perks of his office and avoid the pressures.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Saw Eclipse at the IMAX

Ok, I don't get it. I guess in my head, I had visions of the screen in Soarin' at Epcot. Or at the very least (giving away my age here) of the old Chevy Show screen at Six Flags in Georgia. Shelled out the fifteen dollars a pop to see the newest Twilight movie, Eclipse, yesterday at the Great Escape Theatres in Simpsonville, SC, in their IMAX theater.

Don't get me wrong, I was impressed by the overall experience. Nice employees, clean restrooms, good popcorn (15.99 for a medium and 2 medium drinks), and the seating was very comfortable. I don't get the big deal of the IMAX experience. The screen was large and slightly curved but I could not tell that it was any better to view the movie in IMAX over the traditional method.

Seeing how I don't go to movie theaters very often (due to health reasons), I was disappointed that a movie experience I had waited for and looked forward to was such a letdown. The movie itself was very good and I am much looking forward to Breaking Dawn (in my opinion, the best of the four Twilight books). I am a big Twihard fan and was very willing to shell out the big bucks for the IMAX experience. Future plans for November was to see the Part One of the last Harry Potter book, Deathly Hallows, there also. I think the regular screen will be just fine from now on.

I think it can be said, been there, done that. Don't feel so guilty about the two bags of candy I had hidden in the bottom of my purse.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dunkin Donuts' Store Manager Needs Lesson in Market Demand!

Well, once again, Dunkin Donuts' on Woodruff Rd. in Greenville, SC, lives down to my expectations. If if were up to me, I would never cross their threshold, Krispy Kreme is my favorite. But the better half likes them and had made a small request of me this morning. He wanted just two of the double chocolate donuts this morning for Father's Day. No big deal, right?

So the male progeny and I set off to visit the Woodruff Rd. Dunkin Donuts. I would have rather gone to Krispy Kreme on Pleasantburg Dr. anyday of the week. Walking into the store, we saw two customers at the counter. While we patiently waited our turn, we saw them request the last two double chocolate and the last three chocolate glazed donuts (these being my backup plan). Of course, when we asked, oh no they didn't have any more. On Father's Day, a big demand day for these kind of treats.

Frankly, I think the store manager needs a lesson in market demand. Big holiday, dads like donuts, double chocolate and chocolate glazed are big favorites. Here's a thought, order lots more!! It puzzles me because I run into this a lot. You have a popular item, it sells well anyway, you know there will be increased demand, why wouldn't you want to increase your sales by having adequate inventory. How many people are you going to disappoint, how much money are you not going to make by having to say "Sorry, we're out of what you came in here to buy." How many people are not going to bother to come back because you never have what they want anyway?

Dunkin' Donuts has good coffee but so does Krispy Kreme and they always have what I came to purchase. I think from now on, I will drive the extra miles and be assured of not hearing, "Sorry, we don't have anymore.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Letter to Our Son's Ex-Girlfriend

I doubt you will ever see this but it makes me feel better to purge my soul of the venom you have caused to be created. I am so angry over how you have treated my son whose only mistake was to love you unconditionally and to defend you, unceasingly, against the rest of the world who saw you for what you really are.

But you have finally crossed the line in the sand that even he could not ignore. You have lied repeatedly about the new "dude" in your life and have broken my son's heart into so many pieces that I cannot fathom how long it will take to mend. Thank God, he has many friends who care for him. You did your best over the years to alienate them from him but they are coming out of the woodwork in droves to re-connect their friendships now that you are out of the picture. He has his family, who has continued to love him in spite of how hard you tried to alienate him from us. We are here to be his safety net and we are holding hope for the day when he will meet someone else who will love him for the good and decent person he is.

The final opening of his eyes took place Friday evening, June 11, 2010. You committed the unforgiveable and unforgettable action to a car jock. My son not only took care of your needs over the years but also took loving care of your red Mustang convertible. He brought it to our house, washed and waxed it, checked the tire pressure and rotated your tires. He changed the oil and I am sure he didn't ask you to pay for the supplies. However, you wouldn't let him drive it except to bring it to our house to work on. Because one time, he caused it to get a small scratch.

But this past Friday, he saw you and your new "dude" at the gas station. You were letting him drive the Ford which I am sure he doesn't understand or appreciate one tenth as well as the Ford man who had been taking care of it for so long.

For myself and my family, good riddance ex-girlfriend. May you receive what you have given!

My son, we are here for you and we love you no matter what. I hope you have happier times soonest!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Non-Corvette Owner just don't get it!

Last week, when people at work asked if I had any plans for the weekend, I told them about the Corvette Driving Experience at the Michelin Test track in Laurens County, SC. I am positive that my eyes were sparkling and my smile was ear-to-ear while I was talking about it. But for the most part, all I got was a blank look and a "Oh, well...good for you."

That is because non-Corvette owners JUST DON'T GET IT. They never will. Words can't describe adequately the feelings you have when you are in the midst of Corvette brethren, especially at an event like this. The happinenss, the feeling of belonging, can't be described to someone who has never experienced this phenomenon.

I am mindful of when I first drove my new 2010 Camaro, Lil Sister, to work. One of my managers asked me if I preferred it over the Corvettes that the better half and I own. I had to think a moment about how to answer him. It is like comparing apples to oranges. In spite of both being made by Chevrolet, they are two completely different cars. Each has standout qualities but you really can't compare them side by side. I could tell, he didn't get it. In his mind, how could I not say that the new Camaro was the best car? I tried to tell him how it is to be a Corvette owner, the qualities that make the Corvette so unique, but to no avail. Like I said, blank stare.

So tonight, going to meet fellow Corvette owners to celebrate their winning of the Mayor's Trohpy at Corvettes at Maggie Valley, we will bask in the glow of their victory, our wonderful driving experience yesterday, and discussing future plans to come, driving America's premier sports car!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Corvettes at the Michelin Test Track

Ok, Ok, I admit I have always wanted a chance to do this! Ever since I found out about the Michelin test tract in Laurens county, SC, I have drooled over the idea over getting to drive a Corvette on it.

Next Saturday, thanks to one man's efforts, my son and I will get the chance to do just that. Frank Sancenito, the leader of the 2009 National Corvette Caravan (NC, SC, & VA), had told us in September 2009 that he wanted to talk with the Michelin execs about doing a driving event at the Laurens test track. Earlier this year, we received the news via email. June 5. Saturday, the test track, be there or be square!!

Thank you, Frank!!!! I can't wait!!