Sunday, August 29, 2010

Put him on the shelf in 2012!!

Another article on the Obamas' leisure time! This 10-day vacation was "blissfully free of the news emergencies that have interrupted some of his past getaways." On the Katrina 5th anniversay, with T.S. Earle poised to head toward the Eastern coast of the United States, did ya give any thoughts on how to better handle another hurricane disaster Mr. Obama? With all the criticism the Bush administration fielded after Katrina, I would think your time would be better spent working on an efficient disaster plan. Or would that take too much time away from the golf course, Mr. President?

The news article discussed interruptions in the first family's other vacations stating that "Then there was Hawaii over Christmas and New Year's. Obama had barely arrived when Christmas Day brought the attempted terror attack on a Detroit-bound ariliner, forcing the president to spend the subsequent days conferring with his national security team between golf outings."

Boo Hoo!! It is your JOB to deal with it, Mr. President!! That is why you were (or should have been) elected!! The citizens of this country care about the safety of their loved ones not what your golf handicap is.

It seems to me our current commander-in-chief wants to enjoy the perks of his office and avoid the pressures.

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