Monday, March 22, 2010

Please, oh please stay above freezing!!

Where did our warm weather go? Saturday was wonderfully balmy with lots of sunshine. After hauling 160 bags of mulch over two days, Home Depot buy one get one free, the better half and I applied ourselves to some serious yardwork. My job, to carefully tip the hydrangeas, removing the deadened ends and dead canes without cutting off the parts that will bear flowers this summer.

If you have ever experienced this aspect of gardening, you will understand why it took me all day to work through twelve hydrangea bushes. Seven are largish, three are massed into one bank of floral beauty. Some might think it tedious but I enjoy the process. It is artistic and requires attention to detail. Going through and selecting where to cut, making sure all the deadwood is removed. They looked one hundred percent better just from the pruning!

Oh, I made some mistakes, cut some sections that should have been left alone, mainly when I was getting near the end and was getting tired. I enjoy this annual gardening chore but not to the extent that I want to repeat it in the same year.

So please oh please stay above freezing tonight!!

1 comment:

CC said...

I am sure the garden will look beautiful in full bloom very soon because of all your hard work.