Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Awakened this morning by birdsong, predawn, I began relecting on the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. Stone rolled back, burial wrapping discarded. Then I started thinking about all the reasons I believe in the Resurrection of Christ.

For some people, there is a need for the rigid box of the religion they are raised in. That is where they gain their strength. For others, the wonders of God's creations provide more than adequate proof of God's wisdom and existence. Reading the USA weekend article this morning on "When the Spirit Moves You", I saw the sentence "Every major faith teacher found enlightenment while outside-on a mountaintop, in the desert or under a tree.". The Bible tells of Jesus Christ going into the desert to commune with his Holy Father.

After finally attaining a certain level of maturity, I became aware of feeling closer to God on my knees in the dirt of the garden marveling on the perfection of plant flowers and leaves. Looking up into the sky and seeing a hawk on the wing or a V of Canadian geese flying over, seeing the first evening star while contemplating the ending of a day involved in the stewardship of the land and animals that are God-given gifts inspires me more than sitting in a pew with brand new scratchy clothes that one makes a pilgrimage to the shopping mall to purchase.

I believe in the Bible with all my heart. I tithe all my earnings with a joyful heart and set aside that part first. But I don't spend every Sunday morning inside the four walls of a church. I know many people would condemn that but there are also many people who understand exactly what I am trying to say in this feeble attempt to put my spiritual feelings into words

May God bless you and keep you safe in his hands.

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