Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pruning IS an art form!!

Patiently awaiting the first Carolina Vettepack road trip of the new season, I am doing what I can to help out in the yard. Today, the beautyberry bush got its dead growth trimmed off. I had almost despaired of it leafing out and was afraid the cold of the winter had killed it. The better half, who knows far more than I about gardening and such, kept telling me not to worry, that the beautyberry was always a little later than everything else to show signs of life in the spring.

Sure enough, at the beginning of the last week, I noticed tiny green leaves showing and by yesterday, it had leafed out enough for me to see there was a whole lotta trimmin' needing to be done. Pruning shears and lopper in hand, I started to carefully cut the dead growth off. It is a most satisfying garden chore because there is immediate improvement of the plant's aesthetics. Just like the hydrangea, the beautyberry seems to appreciate the hard work and the leaves start growing out in earnest soon afterwards.

I love the beautyberry for its long "frondy" branches. They sway gently in the breeze and are most graceful. The little tiny berries start out about the same color green as the leaves but they change to a light lavender later in the season, finally deepening to a dark lavender by fall.

It is most gratifying to me to see such transformation and know that I have played a small part in the cycle of life.

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