Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dunkin Donuts' Store Manager Needs Lesson in Market Demand!

Well, once again, Dunkin Donuts' on Woodruff Rd. in Greenville, SC, lives down to my expectations. If if were up to me, I would never cross their threshold, Krispy Kreme is my favorite. But the better half likes them and had made a small request of me this morning. He wanted just two of the double chocolate donuts this morning for Father's Day. No big deal, right?

So the male progeny and I set off to visit the Woodruff Rd. Dunkin Donuts. I would have rather gone to Krispy Kreme on Pleasantburg Dr. anyday of the week. Walking into the store, we saw two customers at the counter. While we patiently waited our turn, we saw them request the last two double chocolate and the last three chocolate glazed donuts (these being my backup plan). Of course, when we asked, oh no they didn't have any more. On Father's Day, a big demand day for these kind of treats.

Frankly, I think the store manager needs a lesson in market demand. Big holiday, dads like donuts, double chocolate and chocolate glazed are big favorites. Here's a thought, order lots more!! It puzzles me because I run into this a lot. You have a popular item, it sells well anyway, you know there will be increased demand, why wouldn't you want to increase your sales by having adequate inventory. How many people are you going to disappoint, how much money are you not going to make by having to say "Sorry, we're out of what you came in here to buy." How many people are not going to bother to come back because you never have what they want anyway?

Dunkin' Donuts has good coffee but so does Krispy Kreme and they always have what I came to purchase. I think from now on, I will drive the extra miles and be assured of not hearing, "Sorry, we don't have anymore.

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